​2014 - 2015 NEW YEARS EVE
We performed at the U.K.C.A. Club Paphos, Cyprus

Once again we were flattered to be asked to perform at the U.C.K.A. Club (a private members club in Paphos) for their New Year's Eve Ball.
The event was fully booked with over 180 guests in attendance.
Thanks to all that booked tickets and partied along with us into the New Year!
"We had a fabulous night. Thank you to everyone especially... take 2... We had a ball"
"Fantastic night to end 2014 and the start of a new year, best place in Cyprus to do it"

Since 2015 the main focus of our business has been Karaoke shows in Paphos & Coral Bay, Cyprus
(see "The Music Man") which keeps us busy 7 nights per week through summer (April to end of October) and
5 nights per week through Winter (November to end of March) and so we have taken the decision to no longer offer our TAKE 2 live music duo due to lack of available time in the schedule!
We currently prioritise our weekly bookings at regular venues around Paphos & Coral Bay and so no longer accept private bookings - SORRY!